XBand Bandpass Filter 10 GHz

The design of the 10GHz Bandpass Filter will be presented. This filter plays a critical role in the design of XBand Communication Systems. The WiFi to XBand Communication System in the following Paper uses this filter:

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Network Analyzer 20 GHz Span Microstrip 10 GHz Bandpass Filter Coupon Rogers 4530

Design of the Microstrip Bandpass Filter using Mathematica

Geometry of Microstrip Bandpass Filter

Geometry with Calculated Values

Frequency Response Calculated with TransNetCalc

Calculated Frequency Response Using TransNetCalc Which Matches the Measured Frequency Repsonse

Details of the Topology, Transmission Line Types and TCL Script for Calculating the Frequency Response of the 10GHz Microstrip Bandpass Filter

TransNetCalc Transmission Line Types File:trans_types.dat

mstrip50 0.552507 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ1_paral_6GHz 1.28422 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ2_paral_6GHz 0.763286 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ3_paral_6GHz 1.28422 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ1_paral_4GHz 2.13711 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ2_paral_4GHz 1.33575 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripZ3_paral_4GHz 2.13711 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripBSFZ1_3 0.293347 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripBSFZ2_3 0.15239 0.254 3.66 0.01
mstripBSFZ3_3 0.293347 0.254 3.66 0.01

TransNetCalc Topology microstrip_bpf_paral_6GHz.top

n1 n2 n3
n3 n4 n5
n5 n6 n7
n7 n8 n9
n9 n10 n11
n11 n12 n13
n13 n14
n1 mstrip50 0.004202
n2 mstripZ1_paral_6GHz 0.00406119 0 0
n3 mstrip50 0.0000
n4 mstripZ1_paral_6GHz 0.00406119 0 0
n5 mstrip50 0.004202
n6 mstripZ2_paral_6GHz 0.00414973 0 0
n7 mstrip50 0.0000
n8 mstripZ2_paral_6GHz 0.00414973 0 0
n9 mstrip50 0.004202
n10 mstripZ3_paral_6GHz 0.00406119 0 0
n11 mstrip50 0.0000
n12 mstripZ3_paral_6GHz 0.00406119 0 0
n13 mstrip50 0.004202
n14 R50_L0.00000 0 open

TransNetCalc TCL Script bpf_10ghz.tcl

tload microstrip_bpf_paral_6GHz.top T

cx 1 0 gen
cx 50 0 zs

set freq 4e9

set fBegin 4e9

set fEnd 60e9

set df [expr ($fEnd-$fBegin)/1000.0 ]

for { set i 0 } { $i<1000 } {incr i} {
set f [expr $fBegin +$i*$df ]
tcalc $T $f $gen $zs
nz0gamma $T n7 z0 gamma
nvalues $T n7

cxmult $n7_zl $n7_il vn7
cxgetpolar $vn7 mag ang

ninfo $T n7
set fGHZ [expr $f1e-9] set magdB [expr 20log($mag)/log(10)]
lappend results [list $fGHZ $magdB ]

puts “RESULTS:”
foreach value $results {
puts -nonewline [lindex $value 0]
puts -nonewline “\t”
puts [lindex $value 1]


puts “Storing results in microstrip_bpf_paral_6GHz.dat”
set out [open microstrip_bpf_paral_6GHz.dat w ]
foreach value $results {

puts -nonewline $out [lindex $value 0]
puts -nonewline $out “\t”
puts $out [lindex $value 1]


close $out

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